Sunday, October 28, 2007


I started a blog four years ago...
I've been through several topics, edited, revisited, written, and re-written --- in my head.

What happened was that the baby started crying.

As a matter a fact she started crying after I typed that first sentence (or half of it). It's a completely new baby now, the four year old won't settle from a boob in her mouth anymore, but at least she's tucked in bed, and the new one will settle with the aforementioned pacification after a few minutes or so. So, it's late, and everyone is down, and I'm going to attempt this, after four years.

What I'd like to write about is my life. Go figure, everyone decides that their life is worthy of posting on the internet. We all have dreams and delusions about connecting with others through this electronic means. What really happens is our words get sucked into the void of information, random keystrokes picked up by search engine spiders.

(oops baby's crying again. She must be teathing).

And, I'm back. Talk about "connecting"... more boob in the mouth and we're good to go. If only I could type horizontal.

Back to the blog. I tried Twitter, which I wouldn't call a blog, but more of a place for people with OCD mixed with a little ADD to type what they are doing. "What are you doing?" it asks me, and I have to laugh. I tried to actually type what I was doing in there but I used up too many keystrokes. Most of the posts were along the lines of "Nursing the baby, retouching a photograph, thinking about what we're going to have for dinner, yelling at the dogs to stop barking, and getting a fedex". My posts were mixed in with my "friends" posts of "Thinking in sound today", "coding" and my all time favorite of "16 hours of sleep can't be good for you" - different demographic I guess.

The only time I could relate to someone on there was when he wrote "falling asleep while watching Friends" (however now that I think about it, I think he meant "friends" on Twitter, and I meant reruns of Friends on TV while 9 months pregnant).

I'm sure there is a community out there for me. A place where everybody is doing 5 things at once, holding it all together, making it all happen in and outside of the computer screen. But, hell, I've landed here, and I figure I'll stay here for my own peace of mind. There is no time to go searching through iVillage or whatever else. Google pointed here for "free and blog" and I figure at least it's a place to put my thoughts. At least I've started...

The baby's crying.

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